Real Estate Practice – Strong and Steady.


Law Firm Information:

Zip/Postal Code75061
Primary Practice AreaReal Estate Law
Secondary Practice AreaEstate Planning Law
Tertiary Practice AreaElder Law
Geographical Practice Area -- By CountyDuPage County and all counties around Chicago.
Number of Clients in Client Base501-2,000
Number of Clients who Have Been Clients for 5 Years or More501-2,000
Number of Clients Served in the Last 12 Months26 - 100
Average Gross Revenue PER CLIENT During the Last 12 Months$1,001 - $2,500
Accounts Receivable BalanceLess than $10,000
Total GROSS Revenues in Most Recent Calendar Year$150,001 - $250,000
Total GROSS Revenues in Second Most Recent Calendar Year$150,001 - $250,000
Total GROSS Revenues in Third Most Recent Calendar Year$150,001 - $250,000
Firm Ownership StrutureProfessional corporation
Number of Lawyers in Law Firm with Ownership Interest1
Ownership Interest Being Sold100% of a solo practice
Seller's Willingness to Help Buyer During Transition Period After SaleWith compensation, help with client transition to new firm.
Seller's Willingness to Train Buyer to Learn Substantive Area of LawWith compensation, training can be provided.

Why a Buyer Should Be Interest in Seller's Legal Practice

We would be delighted to introduce you to our many referral sources in the real estate community.

Description of Law Practice:

This Dallas, TX law practice has a diversified base of real estate law, estate planning law, and elder law. The practice has been nurtured for over 20 years and enjoys annual growth for the past 10 years. Real estate law is the bread and butter of the firm. Real estate closings provide excellent cash flow and profitability, especially in the western suburbs with the high real estate prices.

This is a demo listing used for illustration purposes only. This fictitious law practice is not for sale.

July 11, 2021 2:46 pm

8730 days, 22 hours

Listing ID 65661043aee6f191 1430 total views, 1 today