Litigation for Pride and Profit.


Law Firm Information:

Zip/Postal Code60602
Primary Practice AreaCivil Litigation
Secondary Practice AreaEmployment Law
Tertiary Practice AreaIntellectual Property Law
Geographical Practice Area -- By CountyCook County and surrounding counties near Chicagoland
Number of Clients in Client Base251-500
Number of Clients who Have Been Clients for 5 Years or More251-500
Number of Clients Served in the Last 12 Months1 - 25
Average Gross Revenue PER CLIENT During the Last 12 MonthsMore than $10,000
Accounts Receivable Balance$150,000 +
Total GROSS Revenues in Most Recent Calendar YearMore than $500,000
Total GROSS Revenues in Second Most Recent Calendar YearMore than $500,000
Total GROSS Revenues in Third Most Recent Calendar YearMore than $500,000
Firm Ownership StrutureLLC
Number of Lawyers in Law Firm with Ownership Interest2
Number of Lawyers in Law Firm with No Ownership Interest2
Ownership Interest Being Sold100% of a whole law firm
Seller's Willingness to Help Buyer During Transition Period After SaleWith compensation, help with client transition to new firm.
Seller's Willingness to Train Buyer to Learn Substantive Area of LawWith compensation, training can be provided.

Why a Buyer Should Be Interest in Seller's Legal Practice

This litigation boutique is worth its weight in gold!

Description of Law Practice:

Now is the chance to buy a civil litigation boutique. That’s all we do. Our referral sources seek trial attorneys who can get the job done. The practice includes both federal litigation and state litigation. The boutique is a referral source for other attorneys who shy away from litigation. Litigation includes personal injury, fiduciary duty fights, employment disputes, and intellectual property battles. Small cases are great for training younger lawyers, but the boutique focuses on deep-pocketed clients with everything on the line. A great buying opportunity for existing firms to expand their book of business.

This is a demo listing used for illustration purposes only. This fictitious law practice is not for sale.

July 8, 2021 12:50 am

8710 days, 17 hours

Listing ID 49561049e5356d02 1304 total views, 1 today