Business Law Generates Profits For Shareholders.


Law Firm Information:

Zip/Postal Code60606
Primary Practice AreaBusiness Law
Secondary Practice AreaCorporate Law
Tertiary Practice AreaCivil Litigation
Geographical Practice Area -- By CountyCook County and surrounding counties near Chicagoland
Number of Clients in Client Base501-2,000
Number of Clients who Have Been Clients for 5 Years or More251-500
Number of Clients Served in the Last 12 Months26 - 100
Average Gross Revenue PER CLIENT During the Last 12 Months$5,001 - $10,000
Accounts Receivable Balance$10,001 - $50,000
Total GROSS Revenues in Most Recent Calendar YearMore than $500,000
Total GROSS Revenues in Second Most Recent Calendar YearMore than $500,000
Total GROSS Revenues in Third Most Recent Calendar YearMore than $500,000
Firm Ownership StrutureProfessional corporation
Number of Lawyers in Law Firm with Ownership Interest3
Ownership Interest Being Sold100% of a whole law firm
Seller's Willingness to Help Buyer During Transition Period After SaleTo be negotiated.
Seller's Willingness to Train Buyer to Learn Substantive Area of LawNo.

Why a Buyer Should Be Interest in Seller's Legal Practice

The availability of buying an established business law practice is limited. Act now!

Description of Law Practice:

Business law is a great practice area and generates steady and reliable cashflow. Businessmen and women rely upon the judgment and insight of business law attorneys. A lasting, long-term bond is created that can last a lifetime. This is a rare opportunity to enjoy a “hand-off” of a life-long practice to the next generation.

This is a demo listing used for illustration purposes only. This fictitious law practice is not for sale.

July 3, 2021 12:43 am

8731 days, 4 hours

Listing ID 86161049ca7b9367 780 total views, 0 today